The Anti-Masker in the Rye

November 26, 2020

Make no mistake, it’s all about the masks.  And behind the mask diaper stands the Mainstream Media (MSM).  But none of my elected Representatives in Congress, or even President Trump and his so-called Justice Department, do a damn thing about them other than righteously complain in Senate hearings when we must (using Keith Olbermans language) expunge them using Anti-Trust or Racketeering laws.  Why nobody even ventures down this road tells me we are forever screwed, no matter who comes out as POTUS.  

So now I am a tad discouraged and, well, just plain pissed off.    Just like these Patriots.

This article is not about the fake disease, there is well enough of that on this platform and many others.  This is simply my pressure relief valve rant.  A rant to blow off steam so I don’t do something crazy, like arguing with my too big to fail bank about wearing a face diaper to get into my Safe Deposit box in total privacy.    Or, moving to an island somewhere in the Pacific that has yet to hear of Covid. Maybe that’s not so crazy.   So here goes the rant, along with a prediction as to how this could all end.   Stick with me to the end.

I can no longer stand looking face to face at my fellow diaper-faced Americans.  I am afraid that I might do something stupid now, like punching a mask covered face right in the mask covered nose.   Just because.   God it would feel good to do that.  But I am not a violent person, as far as you know.  

I never thought I could despise people that I don’t even know for their attire.    Even Gang Bangers nearly wearing pants never bothered me like this.  I just thought they were wanting to share their enlightened culture with the rest of us.  

The emotions I feel now are against my Christian faith where I am taught that I should love my neighbor as myself.  Maybe since I don’t often love myself I can get a pass?    

But how do you love anyone that is so willing to throw America under the bus when my relatives, and theirs, went to war and sometimes DIED so that all of us could live free.  In Liberty.   Should I let these feelings get the best of me?  Am I now experiencing the emotions that that my Dad had when he joined the Navy in 1942?   Should any of us feel this way towards our fellow citizens, not foreign invaders, especially if we are Christian?   Even if you are not Christian or a member of any bonified Religion (other than Islam, doesn’t qualify), you likely believe in the Golden Rule. Please God give me strength in these times.  

Look around you.  Liberty is disappearing, pretty much without a shot, so far.    We have government officials getting more brazen with every daily MSM Covid update that equates infections with death, rather than increased testing for a highly contagious but minimally dangerous contagion.   Are we alone in our outrage?  It sure feels that way. 

I am at my wits end.  I have written my so called Republican Representatives in Congress about everything from election Fraud to stopping the Mainstream Media with anti-trust and racketeering laws and just hear Crickets.    I write Ted Cruz on an important Supreme Court issue (a future topic) and the absolute necessity of breaking up the Media and he sends a message back telling me to write my local Congressman.    WTF.

In my ex State of Disaster (GA), neither of  the Republicans running for the most critical Senate seats in American History are even discussing election Fraud, let alone supporting President Trump who is taking the shots for all of us as our stand-in Proxy.  I won’t go into the Religious implications of that.

Our Tyrannical Governor in North Carolina (Roy Cooper) beat someone who ran absolutely the worst campaign in my lifetime (Dan Forrest).  But Cooper still should have been destroyed in a still Red State.   You have never heard of Mr. Forrest and probably never will.  He was Lt Governor under Cooper, so maybe I should have known the fix was in.   More Deep State shenanigans and nobody in the Republican Party is batting an eye. With thousands of mail in ballots they probably didn’t even need Dominion Software to keep Ole Roy.

How do we have a chance against the Resetters who want to replace Liberty with Faux Security when the people we need to help fight the Totalitarians are obsequious and so willingly subjugated for a monthly stipend just large enough to pay the Cable bill and a Big Mac meal?    Amazingly, these are largely the same people that think Slavery was the worst of all sins.  Yet they are imposing Slavery not only on themselves, but on the rest of us.   They are just too GD stupid to even know it.  All the Communist MSM needed to do to take down the greatest and most powerful country in the world in just a few generations, without nuclear war, was to infiltrate institutions to the point where a minimally lethal little disease from China was the final nail in the coffin.  Rational thought is so alien to most Americans (never taught to think critically in either primary or secondary schools) that we are now paying the price in a way that only the most imaginative Sci-Fi writers could have dreamed of.

Speaking of Dreams, I recently dreamed that I would sue my Bank for not letting me into my Safe Deposit Box without a mask, even though you do that sort of thing in total privacy.   No brainer, right?   So, in my dream about to turn nightmare,  I got a lawyer and figured that since my rental agreement required them to allow me access my safe deposit box (if properly identified) with no restrictions, I could easily sue them for lack of access as well as an ADA violation.  And then there was whatever else my expensive plaintiff’s attorney could muster, like distress and humiliation and all that.    It was easy money.  All was going as planned with my $10 Quadrillion lawsuit that had made National News until I walked into the courtroom.  There, in front of me, were the 12 men and women who would decide my fate based on the preponderance of the evidence, which was completely in my favor.  They all had masks on.   If Rod Serling was alive, I would be glad to send him a Twilight Zone screenplay so I could get a few bucks to pay my attorney for taking a losing case.

My Fellow Americans.   You are mask loving bastards.  I despise you.  I can no longer handle looking at your mask covered face outdoors in parks, while you are riding your GD bike and in Bars when you only remove your mask to drink your GD beer, one Mask sip at a time.  Are you flippin’ Insane?    I can no longer stand the sight of you.    I am turning into Holden Caulfield, The Anti-Masker in the Rye who would not put up with this crap.    Holden knew BS when he saw it.


Want to make these people crazy in a passive kind of way?  Next time you walk towards someone in the woods or on the street outdoors with a mask on, make sure you make eye contact and then walk well around them.  Or even stop and let them pass.    They may actually think THEY are the ones to be afraid of.  It works and I love doing it. 

Let them know.  Be a non-conformist in the face of tyrannical people of all persuasions.  We need non conformists now more than any other time in American History.

“In this age, the mere example of non-conformity, the mere refusal to bend the knee to custom, is itself a service. Precisely because the tyranny of opinion is such as to make eccentricity a reproach, it is desirable, in order to break through that tyranny, that people should be eccentric. Eccentricity has always abounded when and where strength of character has abounded; and the amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigor, and moral courage which it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric, marks the chief danger of the time.”
― John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

Now, I do have to give the elderly a break, but barely.  These people are in the last stages of life and they deserve some compassion for being so terrorized by the MSM and their chosen Healthcare professionals that they barely breathe while wearing masks alone in cars and in 95 deg. heat indexes the summer.    They are as vulnerable with CV84 as they are influenza but are convinced by the Centers for Democratic Control (CDC) tm that they will not die from Influenza (now seemingly eradicated for all time).  Or cancer.  Or cardiovascular disease.   Or diabetes.  Or old age. Or getting hit by a semi while standing in line to get tested.   Or drinking too much because they are so sadly alone, locked down and living in self-imposed terror as they spend madly on the home that has become their new cell block.    They have a self-imposed Life Sentence, of Death.

The elderly believe that unless they are masked up, they WILL die from Covid and nothing else.   That’s what they have been told literally every day of their lives since March 1 2020 on the radio, on TV and in the few newspapers that are left.    I get that.   What I don’t get is that the elderly can live a relatively long life in America, with all the benefits they accrued for living here, and want to assure that they leave a miserable world for the generations that follow them.   Totalitarian Government and No Liberty.    I will never forgive these people for being part of a Marxist extortion plot for the destruction of the America that they once loved.

What amazes me most is how my fellow Americans could have been so thoroughly brainwashed when they could not see that something unusual was happening when it all began.    I wrote back in June about how the country that got WHO to declare CV19 was Pandemic (Italy) would likely end up having nearly the same number of CV84 deaths as influenza, which turned out to be TRUE.    There were never bodies in the streets ala Holy Grail Bring out your Dead, yet the media remained in constant scare mode, all the time, every day, around the clock. They relinquished their usual role questioning people in power and making sure we don’t let tyrants rule over us.   This all happened regardless of good or bad news regarding the mysterious virus from China that we still know almost nothing about.   Yet the media pretended to know more about it than people with PhDs in Molecular Biology.  Just ask their “experts”, like Dr. Anthony Falsie who hasn’t practiced anything other than patent medicine since he began his career as a Public Servant in 1929, making money on the side with Bill Gates.

This was the Art of the Brainwash, pure and simple.  First, for stopping a Trump second term by literally stopping the economy. Secondly, for assuring mail in votes are used instead of voting booths on a massive scale to allow election fraud on a massive scale.  There was no other way they could beat Trump.

A small cadre of rational thinkers saw this plan early on but why didn’t the rest get it as we have learned more about the extremely low mortality of Covid? Or, after the Centers of Democratic Control tm  (CDC) finally came clean in September 2020 and reported 10,000 Covid only deaths?  

I always knew CV was overblown. For most of 2020 I figured it was Plandemic and maybe a complete hoax. The evidence of hoax may now be before us as it appears that even the elderly have actually been dying all along from all causes and at no different rates than pre Covid.

I began to see a light at the end of the tunnel when a few highly qualified healthcare professionals stepped forward because they could no longer take the BS.  But instead of cancelling the scare, they were cancelled.  The MSM made damn sure that these good people lost their jobs and reputations.  This should NEVER happen in America. But the media still rambled on, doubling and tripling down to wreck the economy to wreck Trump.  Where is the outrage?    Damn it, our time on Earth is short enough and the MSM has STOLEN NOT ONLY AN ELECTION BUT AN ENTIRE YEAR OF OUR LIVES!   More to come.  They will succeed unless we take our lives back. 

So, there’s my feel bad rant.   But where do we go from here?  Some think War is the only way out now, regardless of election outcome.  The Left will explode in a rage far, far worse than in 2016 when Trumps landslide is verified.   They have been conditioned by the media to believe that President Biden is their new reality, all is well and all we need now is Unity.   This whole deal gets turned on its head and the Leftist media driven dream of a No Trump world will give these Demobrats a nightmare of amazing proportions.    

The Demobrats will start the fight.   But we have never had a Civil War with people wanting to kill each other that live together in the same states but are primarily separated by city and rural jurisdictions.    It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  If the Right has not already succumbed to Totalitarianism, which is still very much in question, the inevitable Civil war happens. 

Back in 1861, the division in America that was the root cause of Civil War was easy to distinguish.  Slave state vs Free state,   Union vs Confederacy.  If you lived in a Free State, or in a Slave State, everyone pretty much knew who you were because if you joined or were drafted into the Army you either wore the Blue or the Grey.    Or, you left your state to join the other side.   

Changing sides was actually quite rare because family ties were not only strong but they remained mostly local, not scattered all over geographically like we are now.  Also, your family tree was something you had pride in and few would want suffer the personal consequences of joining the Rebellion or staying Union if it meant leaving your Family behind.   John Wilkes Booth was one of the most notorious and rare exceptions who moved to the other side.  To JWB, family ties were strained and meant nothing by the time Lincoln won reelection in 1864.  His jealousy of his brother Edwin, being the star he could not be on the stage, had climaxed  with his hatred of Lincoln.   So for Booth, it was easy to go with the South.  

Most people in the North and the South stayed put.  Robert E Lee’s allegiance to his family and, more importantly, his home State of VA kept him from turning Blue.   

What will be the defining characteristic of which side you are on?    Masks.   Now we have the Red States (Rural emphasis) and the Blue States (City emphasis).  But you can live inside one or the other and still be on the other side of the majority.    So at the outset of war, wearing a mask in open, public areas is a pretty easy way to tell if you are for Liberty. Or, that you are so afraid of dying that you would want the fake health protection and personal safety that comes from a Totalitarian State at the expense of your Liberty and mine.   Either way, this makes you my enemy.

Covid may have a good side after all – it will help to define VISIBLY if you believe in Liberty or Tyranny.  In that sense, it may be as easy to decipher as if you wore a Blue or Grey uniform, at least at the outset when sides are chosen.

I hate the thought of War.   But I cannot anymore ignore my feelings about my fellow Americans any more than I can forget about who came before me to allow me to have a good life in the greatest Country in human history.   Each daily masking up of Americans take us one day closer to the total victory of the Left that is nearly complete.   

I hope and pray that we can turn the tide with reason, sanity and the same God given desire for Liberty that resulted in the most amazing ride in human history that anybody could have imagined. 

 All of the above is not meant to ruin your day. So, here is my hope and belief that God is still in charge.

I believe it likely that the SCOTUS will save us from the small but powerful MSM driven Marxists and give Trump another term via either a Presidential redo (with real controls) or a State electors solution. This could not happen had Ruth Bader Ginsberg not died at exactly the right time just before the election allowing Amy Coney Barrett, maybe the most qualified and perfectly unimpeachable candidate for this time in our lives, to give us the critical 5th vote. If Ginsberg died too soon before the election, not enough time for a hearing. And, if too much before, the Left could have had more time to ruin her families life and maybe get her to quit. I do not think this is coincidence. This does not mean that battles will end but gives me a little light at the end of the tunnel, and hopefully everyone fighting tyranny.

Still, my Left brain says I will try to like, if not love my neighbor, mask or not, Biden or not. 

Not sure which side my brain is on either.

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Postscript. I have been doing the mask on trail dance for some time but a strange thing has been happening. People wearing diapers on the trail in the middle of the woods, mainly female, say “Thank You” to me when I step off the trail and hide from them. They don’t get the meaning of what I am doing because they are so brainwashed terrified of dying from something less likely than getting hit by an asteroid on the head. So, to combat that sense of paranoia, if they say so nicely “Thank You” to me, the non masker, I respond with “I just don’t want to get sick”. A few double takes have already occurred. Maybe they will get the message that it is I who fear them who are more likely to get and be sick with a diaper, not the other way around. Maybe not. But it’s the least I can do for MY sanity, walking in the woods.

Sic Semper Tyrannis

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2 thoughts on “The Anti-Masker in the Rye

  1. Well said! The stupidity of most Americans still amazes and saddens, me.

    Hydroxychloroquine plus zinc is now been once again approved by the CDC to be prescribed by medical doctors, now that they think that Biden has been secured as the next President.


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