What Have I Done?


As a Christian who has Christian friends who voted for Joseph Biden for President, I am dismayed.  These people with good will, but naïve hearts, have no idea what they have helped to unleash with their vote.     

The fake religiosity of Pelosi and Biden are the classic lies of the Left to fool Good people. The brand of Marxism they project is the happy ending we all want. But this is, and has always been, based on the big lie of small people.

Small people that want to be big.

Small people that want to be important.

Small people that want to be powerful.

If you believe in the Biblical Revelation of John, it’s the work of the Beast. If you are not Christian, but yearn for America and Liberty, it’s still the worst of all worlds. Everyone loses. And yet, the Marxist lie so obvious to the educated few is not apparent to many Christians because they are looking through a short term lens for a happy ending. 

That my Christian friends still voted for a political party now without a single Anti-Abortion Congressman needs no more discussion. Ditto that in 2012 the “official” Democrat Party Platform once referenced God but was removed and because of backlash, was reinstated. I will let you decide if God’s reinstatement was heartfelt.

Their vote for Biden was not a vote for Liberalism. It was a vote for the much different and more dangerous Left.

 Here are some more close to home and slightly less obvious reasons why my Christian friends are wrong about the Democratic Party, and their current head of state, Joseph Biden.

 The Christian Liberal thinks that electing Joseph Biden, even with close ties to Communist China, will bring equity and order without Civil Strife, just as many more did when they voted for Barack Obama.   What they don’t understand is that the now Leftist controlled Democratic Party has embraced Communist tenets that have always resulted in the death and destruction of human beings everywhere, spiritually and physically. What will they say when peace only comes at the hand of a Police State and Communist lockdowns that destroys the human spirit with social credit scores, dividing people into tribes always at war with one another for Government spoils?

They think that Borders are bad because the richest country in the world should not shut out the world. What they don’t understand is that Open Borders will destroy the economic powerhouse that is the primary weapon against worldwide poverty and hunger and puts us first in disaster response anywhere in the world.   What will they say when financial aid to impoverished countries like the Dominican Republic is limited or eliminated because our economic system has collapsed under the crushing weight of our no-border induced  debt? What will they say when nobody responds to the next Earthquake in Indonesia?

They think that Love should be the only prerequisite for Marriage.  What they don’t understand is that when equal societal status is given for Homosexual Marriage, the benefits for our culture granted from God with traditional families will be lost.   What will they say when boys become gang members because of no Father role model in a safe and secure home?  What will they say when you are forced to publically promote non-traditional Marriage personally or in your business that is against your strongly held faith or be bankrupted by Judges appointed by Leftists demanding you be re-educated?

They think that the Covid Pandemic is best handled with temporary Biden induced Lockdowns and Forever Masks so that infection rates are controlled and people can return to Church.   What will they say when it becomes clear that the people they voted into office unleashed Covid to take down a Christian President and bring in a Global Reset (to stop hyperinflation from Central Bank money printing) and will continue with dehumanizing and nearly permanent Lockdowns because Covid “vaccines” don’t prevent transmission?   What will they say when every aspect of their lives is monitored by the Resetters for contact tracing and compliance to the Official Religion of Scientific Truth and a Godless New World Order?

They think that it is compassionate for the Church to believe in and even support someone’s gender dysphoria. What will they say when the MSM, schools and the Church are afraid to directly confront induced sexual confusion and the resulting child abuse mental illness that results in increased cases of Depression and Suicide well into adulthood? What will they say when all forms of gender madness leads to the absolute abolishment of the Science of biological sex, defying the natural state of human beings as defined by our Creator?

They think that the Church should – correctly – be open to all that enter it’s doors, but that the unredeemed can be placed in Leadership positions to show that the Church is non-discriminatory.  What will they say when their Leftist Anti-Capitalist leadership destroys the very foundations of the Church, making the Church inconsequential and impotent as a follower, not promoter, of culture?

They think that the Left will let them be as they promote diversity and equality above all else, even if at the exclusion of their Biblically based views.   What will they say when Christian Churches are closed and members sent to Communist reeducation camps to “de-brief” them on the sins of their faith that speaks of Good vs Evil?   What will they say when Church doors are padlocked and eventually razed for having the image of a cross in public view or esposing Biblical truths that have existed for millenia?

But what about the almost entirely non-violent mainstream media defined Capitol “Insurrection”? Doesn’t that justify their Christian vote for Joseph Biden?

They think that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, would not break windows in the Capitol. What they don’t understand is that the only time Jesus was so angered was when his Temple was desecrated by money changers, just as our elected officials have desecrated the people’s “Sacred” Political Temple – our Capitol – answering only to paid lobbyists and the biggest donors as they blindly allow the elimination of our ballots? Jesus flipped the tables over in disgust just as some Conservatives broke a few windows just to enter a building no more owned by Pelosi’s Politicians than the People who built and paid for it.    What will they say when no Christian Conservative ever wins a major election, sits on a school board or federal bench?

Imagine that.

Imagine there’s no countries

It isn’t hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion, too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace…

John Lennon

The Christian Left has nearly as much influence in the Church today as they have with the Democratic Party.

John Lennon’s Imagine world of Love and Peace, a tenet of the new Christian Left, can only exist under the rule of our true King at His own time and choosing.   My Christian friends that voted for Biden believe they have the power to usher in this place on Earth now, without God, and that the “Faux-Compassionate” Democrats were the best choice in achieving that end, regardless of means. But they ignore the Left’s true Godless implications at their and my peril. 

Then, with their Secular and Atheist brothers, they will legislate coequal outcomes into existence that kills our inalienable American spirit. 

My Christian friends now on the Left will someday soon look around at an officially Atheist world they helped usher in as people of faith and finally realize it was all wrong.   All of it.  Voluntary human compassion for others will be replaced with mandated compassion to others.    And everyone will look, act and behave the same without the common moral compass that has always been the basis of our American experiment in Liberty.  What will they say then?   

They are blind but soon will see what they have done.  

If you haven’t seen the movie Bridge on the River Kwai, please do.   At the end of this great WW2 film a British Lt. Colonel at a Japanese prison camp (brilliantly played by Alec Guinness) was so blissfully ignorant of what was happening in the world around him that he failed to realize who his friends were and, unwittingly, became their enemy until it was almost too late.    

Staring blankly into space, the powerful utterance of his last four words from the depth of his soul, under his breath so low that he could not be heard by anyone but himself,  may well be what my Christian friends say to all of us when the last stand for America ends and we are a country no more.


I cannot judge anyone, but I do pray that my fellow Christians will finally see what they are doing before it is too late.   Before they utter those last words of despair from the depths of their souls, asking our forgiveness as Lady Liberty has breathed her last.

“What have I done.”


Sic Semper Tyrannis

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One thought on “What Have I Done?

  1. You only have to look as far as 90 miles off the Florida coastline to Cuba to see the destructive nature of communist Cuba, who’s shelves are empty of medicine & lines form overnight for their ration of food. Venezuela fares no better in what totalitarian rulers in the hands of the few are able to do to its people. Our open borders attracts millions of uneducated, unskilled, unvaxxed trespassers from around the world. Promising Welfare benefits certainly don’t improve lives of national Americans. We are losing our country to our ever expanding, America hating, activist communist malignancy.


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