Why RFK Jr will Save America from Tyranny


Maybe you are reading this because you see little hope for the survival of the America you grew up with, even with its failings.  You are looking for solutions to the Orwellian world you find yourself in which is coming at you like a freight train.    You want to live and die in a world based on freedom and liberty.  Maybe more importantly, you want your loved ones to survive in that world as well.   All of that can still happen, but only if Good People do the Right Stuff. 


We can thank the Great Resetters that are allowing us to not only keep our little shared storehouse of information called the Internet but haven’t even tried to hide their agenda.  That could change quickly.  Still, that’s really odd, isn’t it?   

And that proved to me that we are no longer living in Kansas. 

We are facing pure evil, Satan himself, because only Satan requires humans to choose evil voluntarily knowing full well we are selling our souls as part of the deal.   And his Evil agenda’s main purpose is no less than human slavery for whatever survivors remain after they do what is necessary to gain control of a much smaller, financially manageable population.   

The people at the Resetting top have literally traded their souls for immeasurable wealth and power that no man has seen since the beginning of time.   

They want you to follow suit, but without all the stuff.   If you don’t believe in God, I hope you are at least considering this undercurrent.

Even if you are not a believer, and think we are simply witness to people going bad as people have for millennia, I am betting it’s still not a world you want to be in.  Unless, like Winston Smith,  you now believe 2+2=5.

So on that happy note, I want to say as emphatically as I can that, with God’s help, we can stop them utterly and completely with tools that we still possess.  Many people, maybe including you, don’t think it’s possible.  It is.  But only if we do what is necessary on a massive scale.

The Meat of the Matter – Evil Incarnate

The Resetters main agenda at this stage focusses on using Healthcare and Economics to bring in total control of the masses to a manageable few in order to avoid a worldwide revolution ala the Robespierre thrashing in 1789.   

They will do anything in their power, already immense and with Satan’s help, to avoid that sort of Final Solution.    

This article will address two of the three (1) biggest immediate and short term problems we now face as a country, both being effects of a totalitarian world government which is now in progress.  I believe both are solvable, in part, by electing RFK Jr as POTUS. 

Here they are:

    1. Healthocracy
    2. Corporate Fascism

Part 1 will deal with Healthocracy – exposing the leading causes of our “in progress” genocide via planned pandemics which result in instant death, delayed death and minimizing live births.  

Part 2 will discuss Corporate Fascism – how the Government owned Stock market has been used to bring ESG “Wokism” to Corporations all over the world (causing us to go Woke, or else) and what we can do to stop that.


In 2020, human beings the world over were given a subjugation test, directed by “health experts” chosen by the Government and promoted by the legacy media ad infinitum.   The subjugation test involved doing insane things like believing and doing whatever the MSM said about a deployed health crisis.  

We said nearly nothing to the censorship of world renowned Doctors who disagreed with the much less qualified MSM and government “experts”.   Congress did nothing then and are still dancing around the censorship issue while the perpetraitors are either still government employees or have retired with large pensions.

We took experimental GMO treatments for a “disease” of questionable origin and existence with a 99% + survival rate for all age groups using conventional treatments later shunned for even more insane reasons. 

We jabbed ourselves with undeclared substances (including Plasma DNA that can increase Cancer risk) to keep our jobs instead of saying NO in massive numbers that would have forced companies to eliminate edicts or go out of business.

We required our agents of Defense (e.g. US Military) to get injected, boosted or fired.

Worst of all, we even had our 5 year olds and pregnant moms jabbed.  

And thanks to Trump, for the first time in world history, we closed our businesses and even our Places of Worship.  For a crisis that a child could recognize never existed.  

Shame on us for being such intellectually lazy cowards!

We failed their test miserably and did exactly as the MSM told us, parroting and exaggerating what our Government was telling us about protecting “others” in the name of healthcare Altruism.  

Key Takeaway:  The Resetters learned that laws, edicts and other methods of political control (even revolution) don’t hold a candle to using the power of suggestion to make people think they might die from an invisible enemy to get what they want (even in the face of easily refutable statistics hidden undercover but still visible).  

Human narcissism in a more and more Godless world gives that model of control a supercharger.

So, with humanity’s flat our failure to use common sense and reason, it’s full steam ahead using WHO/United Nations at the top of the new Healthocracy to dictate through edicts and International Treaties how we will be allowed to “live” during the next unleashed Psyop based pathogen at their disposal.

How this was accomplished will be a lesson for the ages but it starts and stops with the Legacy MSM in America. 

Without the MSM operating in total concert around the world though an allegiance to the “Trusted News Initiative” I submit that none of this would have happened. 

The Answer

We have to cross the aisle and vote for RFK Jr.   

He is the only man living anywhere in the world at this time in history to stop the madness by going right through our primary enemy – the American Legacy Media. 

He is literally our only hope to resolve the crises looming ahead and kill dead in its tracks not only the looming Healthocracy but other aspects of Resetting tyranny,  including Civil War or Secession in America that ushers in Martial Law.

Mr. Kennedy may be the only way out of our fall into the abyss of WHO treaties and the Healthocracy that awaits us and will take away your personal Liberty and, worse, take years off your life by forceful “treatment” of man-made pandemics ready for deployment. 

You and I are living in the most critical time in human history.   I believe RFK’s time is God given because, absent the dissolution of the MSM trust and racket, only someone like RFK can talk above the room like Reagan did.  Like it or not, Trumps good at the talk but half of America won’t listen to the man, especially with so many utterly brainwashed into thinking he is more criminal than the Biden syndicate.

The evil incarnate American legacy MSM cannot stop him no matter how hard they try the censor game.  RFKs name and stature as a member of America’s Royal Family (at least for the Liberals) will be impossible to ignore. 

RFK will be able to do two things that nobody else can do. 

First, his campaign will begin the process to get the death grip of Communism out of the Democrat Party (and our institutions). Communism has always been anathema to the classical Liberalism that used to direct the policies and platforms of the Democrat Party.

By doing that alone he will – even running as an ‘independent” – save the Democrat Party (and us in the process) from the infiltraitors who have promoted Healthocracy in America that began decades ago and is now nearly 20% of what’s left of our declining economy.

Then, he will be able to expose the Pharma connection to worldwide genocide like nobody else. 

RFK literally “wrote the book” on Fauci and his plan for turning the world into a Death Star back in the 1980s when Fauci was involved with AIDS and it’s treatments, which never worked outside of abstinence.  

He will be able to start the divorce between Congress and Pharma and kill the insane pharmaceutical ads to consumers who know nothing about epidemiology or differential diagnosis but are expected to advise their Doctor based on an ad they saw on TV convincing them they have a nearly incurable disease with no other solution.

Secondly, he will immediately stop all deadly MRNA treatments and boosters and prevent Pharma from ever attempting to eliminate access to public health records during trial phases of any medical product be it vaccines or pharmaceutical medicines.   

Under an RFK administration, it is very likely that future vaccines and pharmaceuticals generally will undergo immediate and stringent new standards of practice before going to market to determine if they are actually going to work.    

He may even reduce or eliminate the money out of the Big Pharma lobbyist hands because of the massive conflict of interest that puts America at the top of the heap by a long mile for healthcare expenditures per capita worldwide. 

WHO/UN treaties will not prempt American sovereignty.  That means in the most Orwellian lingo imaginable,  no CDC green-zone camps for “humanitarian” reasons.  And, no guns at the NIH to enforce WHO mandated restrictions on people for the “greater benefit of humanity”, mainly at the WEF.

He will also be the most formidable power against the Deep State.   A Deep State that, under Merrick Garland, has called Christian parents terrorists for decrying brainwashing of little children in government schools into hating one another.  Or, declaring that over half of America are the most dangerous enemy our country has ever faced.   

The FBI and CIA were involved in these attacks.  RFK knows like nobody else what these evil organizations can do, like assassinate his family.    Who else has the courage to remake these evil and tyrannical organizations?

His campaign will open a floodgate of information on the Gates Schwab Genocide that even our sleepyhead Americans, Judiciary and even MSM won’t be able to ignore. 

So I say Bravo to Mr. Kennedy and  his courage for standing tall against the Satanic evil in our midst.   That means he has now replaced Trump as Public Enemy #1 for what he may do to the Leftists controlling the Democrat Party in America. 

Thanks to God for giving us this man at this time. And, one more chance to save our wretched country.

Donald J Trump

As a Trump voter in 2016 and 2020 its hard for me to say what follows.

It’s natural for people to support the underdog.  And who fits that description better than an ex-POTUS that also happens to be the leading candidate in the GOP against an installed regime that is about to go to jail for 200 years as the ultimate Political Dissident.  A Dissident against Globalism, like Bolonsaro.  I get it.  But, please hear me out.

Trump, even for all his triumphs, inadvertently strengthened the Healthocratic Deep State Complex through Operation Warp Speed and his biggest personal failing – an ego easily manipulated to select the wrong people.  People like Chairman of Joint Chiefs Mark Milley (a Marxist that allowed Chinese balloons to stream live pictures to China until he stopped them, after they were done), Christopher Wray, Bob Barr, Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Steve Mnuchin, etal.  

Yes, Trump may do some of the things RFK is planning but he won’t be as effective.  Worse, the price is too high.

I don’t believe Trump will work as hard as RFK against WHO or, just as important, our medical establishment that represents nearly 20% of our economy.  Trump is a money driven man and is easily convinced of doing the opposite of anything that hurts “the economy”.  If our overpaid and oversized Healthocracy in America suffers, Trump will not do what is painfully needed to do like Kennedy will. 

And, for God’s sake Mr. Trump.   Just as Al Gore did not invent the Internet, you sure as hell didn’t save millions of lives and even cure cancer with “Operation Warp Speed”. 

Blood in the Streets

But here is an adverse reaction even more dangerous than with his “Vaccine”. It’s the 2024 Elephant in the Room. 

If Trump is elected, which I would not have a problem with politically, it will result in the most bloody unrest in America since reconstruction. Or, even a new Civil War, Secession of both.  If we are to avoid these extremes and the violence that follows, Trumps election would be the hammer on the primer.  

I have looked at our world from 10 miles high.  I see only one safe future and that is to get the Communists out of a party that half of America belongs, even in ignorance.   Trump cannot do that.  Desantis cannot do that.   Pence?  LOL.

Only a true classical Liberal with monumental “gravitas” like Kennedy, the backbone of a once decent and Patriotic Party, can save America of the totalitairan extremists ruling the Democrats – and us. 

If you are honest with yourself, even as a Democrat, and see the evil in the Communist Infiltration destroying everything America once stood for (not perfect, but still the best) you know I am right. 

My Castor Oil

I disagree with RFK intensely on some big issues, but I still need the medicine.

He is wrong on Affirmative Action.  He is wrong on Abortion.  He is wrong on Climate mumbo-jumbo (but does not want to force nutty environmental rules on anyone). He is wrong on student debt that pays for the brainwashing of our kids. 

But he is right on the Healthocracy.  He is also right on eliminating politics in Corporations.   Unlike the New Democrat Party he is also right on closing the Border, First Amendment,  Second Amendment and the Constitution as Supreme Law of the Land. And that’s good enough for me as the political and National saviour we need to prevent Armageddon.

I am voting for RFK not so much for my agreement with him on some of his politics, which may in some respects even be abhorrent to a Conservative, but for the literal survival and peace of this Nation. 

We cannot have the Communists rule not only our institutions but a political party representing half of ignorant Americans whose decisions in the White House, mainly by Executive Order, will put us in a forever Tyranny.

Cross the Aisle

If we can help RFK Jr win and usurp the great Pudding eater puppet of Barack Obama, our nation can start on a track to rid our Nation of the Totalitarian Communists in control since our Day of Infamy – November 3, 2020.  

Let’s put him in office and see what he can do.

If he does not win, at least his campaign will expose the agenda like nothing that has ever happened in America.  If he fails to win the Presidency, it won’t be so bad and we have started the ball rolling to redo the Democrat Party in America into a Constitutional Party. 

But I would stock up on food and ammo.

So, there it is in the best way I can put it.  I may not have the perfect argument, but if you can put away your biases and see the big picture, the most important picture for you and your loved ones, then as I promised at the beginning – there is a solution.  

The only solution

Please copy this article and send it to everyone you know that is even the least bit Libertarian and especially to Trump Supporters.  We need to get RFK Jr on the ballot and nominated before our last chance to save America from bloodshed and tyranny is gone.

(1) Time is of the Essense

Sic Semper Tyrannis

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14 thoughts on “Why RFK Jr will Save America from Tyranny

  1. Trump lost me after his tireless support for the mRNA injections he took credit for. Worth noting he is not a true Conservative. Until 2015 when he announced his candidacy, Trump was a registered Democrat all his life. Funny how no one seems to remember this among his detractors or supporters.
    Civil War II is exactly what Mr. Global wants.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, we knew that Trump was a life long democrat. But we also know that he left the party and became.more of a Republican than any Republican in office since Lincoln. Sadly, he did not understand how corrupt the GOP had become and thought that dems and republicans really wanted what was good for our nation.
      As far as supporting the vaccine, he had no idea inventors of vaccines were evil. A normal humanbeing would think that they would truly be interestednin saving lives. He was wrong like the millions who believed that way and many still do. BUT he never imposed mandates to take the vaccine and believed it should be the individuals right to decide. I won’t fault him for that mistake. His concern was saving lives.


  2. Pingback: An American Poem
  3. I think it will turn out like you wish it to. I watch a lot of Near Death Experiences on YouTube. It’s fairly easy to tell who is the real deal, and who is just trying to bash someone or something. The bashers obviously are liars, because you can’t go to the other side and come back without a total attitude change. Anyway, I’m pretty sure this one is real. The reason she doesn’t say who wins is because that’s a death sentence for the person. But it’s pretty obvious since she does say it isn’t DJT. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFS2c1hl6kA


  4. Are you sure that Kennedy is NOT on board with the globalists?
    Here he says he supports the CDC and the WHO…for future pandemics.

    Original video here, same clip at about 7:47 min

    Funding for The WHO comes mostly from The Gates Foundation, and other globalist elites.
    “The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation alone is responsible for over 88 per cent of the total amount donated by philanthropic foundations to the WHO. Other contributors include the Bloomberg Family Foundation (3.5 per cent), the Wellcome Trust (1.1 per cent) and the Rockefeller Foundation (0.8 per cent).”


  5. RFK Jr says he wants to follow the WHO, CDC, NHS, protocols for next pandemic. He said this several months ago while campaigning.


  6. RFK Jr says he wants to follow the WHO, CDC, NHS, protocols for next pandemic. He said this several months ago while campaigning.

    Original video. See here at about 7:45


  7. I see no issue. He was referencing the old guidance which CDC disavowed when they went Police State. And he clearly said use off the shelf treatments, again something CDC and WHO and Europe disavowed. And Trump is still in love with Warp Speed.
    Finally, Desantis wants him to run FDA or CDC in his administration. And Desantis is dead against WHO and CDC and Intl treaties that usurp our Constitution, as is RFK.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: The End Game
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