
The people that are ruling our world are certifiably insane by any objective measure.   That they also want to rule over your life should make you slightly edgy.

Every human that came before us would run from these people as fast as they can.  Never was there a time like the present where the “Inmates are Running the Asylum”.

A reporter named Breanna Morello was looking for a new Doctor and was asked to complete this form prior to her introductory appointment.    She cancelled. 


That’s the kind of “cancellation” that we should be doing every day in our lives.  Here is a starter list:

  • Big Banks (esp BOA)  and Insurance Companies pushing DEI/ESG
  • Amazon/Disney/Chick-fi-La
  • MDs and others in our Healthocracy that no longer understand biology
  • Political Candidates from the two major parties
  • Corporate America generally, especially divesting investments in index funds holding their stocks which makes the executive team richer and more powerful via incentive based awards for stock performance – and going Far Left. 

The loss of reason (for some of us) started in the Godless public schools that a few of you still send your kids to – and then College – and wonder why your own offspring end up hating you for voting for Trump or believing in something crazy called Male and Female.

Some say the public insanity that surrounds us from Climate nonsense to active promotion of mental illness (e.g. Gender Dysphoria) is nothing new, but simply something brewing undercover until it became perfectly OK to a captured Legacy Media to expose it all.  As perfectly normal.

So, in 2024 you not only won’t be called out for being crazy, you get Communist brownie points for helping to destroy the family. Maybe even a bump in your ESG score.

This does have a common and somewhat Satanic denominator – it’s a thumb in the eye of God’s handiwork by people that either don’t believe in God (but still rail against Him if the time is right) or hate Him because they don’t always get their prayers answered in their chosen timeframe.

What’s Going On? All this craziness in human beings comes from a complication of things, largely growing Atheism in America and a lack of adults in the room to just say:

“Whoa there!  Let’s not go so far off the rails laid down by our parents and the countless generations that came before them and fought for our Liberties.  Liberties to politefully and respectfully disagree without financial cancellation and College lockdowns in saferooms to stem the horrific tide of fact based cognitive dissonance in brainwashed young people.”

Garcia de Malones

In short, when the powers that be in the Legacy MSM can either change or no longer come to the defense of the normative rules of humanity that have done us well over the centuries we are through as a Nation.  Progress is not moving forward in the wrong direction.   As for my personal motivations, I just can’t let people die in vain that fought for the Liberties we all enjoy.  What little remains, anyway.

Ronald Reagan talked about our solemn vow to these people in his first inaugural address on January 20, 1981, which bears repeating for us and our successors:

“Their lives ended in places called Belleau Wood, The Argonne, Omaha Beach, Salerno, and halfway around the world on Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Pork Chop Hill, the Chosin Reservoir, and in a hundred rice paddies and jungles of a place called Vietnam.”

Most of these Patriots fought for our Judeo-Christian values in the classroom they grew up in which hurt nobody, including even the majority of Atheists who even supported those values because they made sense in a free society. 

You don’t have to believe in God to recognize the advantage of instilling those values in a Democratic Republic so people don’t run amuck or,  much worse, go literally insane when “anything goes”.

All it takes is one God denying (or hating) Atheist to claim discrimination under the Fourteenth Amendment at SCOTUS and our world goes upside down.   Then, we are on Ozzie Smith’s Crazy Train.

Having no Fear of God can lead to bad things, like Doctors that wake up one day and can’t remember their Biology 101 class in High School.

When people cease to believe in God, they do not then believe in nothing, but in anything.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

When medical Doctors no longer believe in biology and say little boys can be little girls in public regardless of what’s between their legs without embarrassment or humiliation, they truly do believe in anything.

Certifiable insanity, now bordering on child abuse by Pediatricians, is now the defining characteristic of many of our politicians, Legacy Media and Doctors that once believed it is not a good thing to support mental illness because that can lead to physical illness and suicide.

Pawns of Death.   Beyond our Biological crazy, we have one more prime example of total lunacy – Climate Change, Global Warming or whatever other flavor of the day it masquerades in.  

Since it is indisputable that up to 10x more people die from cold temps than warm temps, and if very slightly rising temps keeps us out of an ice age, increasing tree canopies and food production worldwide, why would people want to lower temperatures even if they could – which is nearly impossible?   Even my do-gooder friends still in Minnnesota that complain about Cold winters and heating bills say yes to more Cold.   Is all this nonsense that approaches masochism or suicidal tendencies just a new form of Religious Altruism?    Not even close.

The people of the modern, post Christian Left are either homicidal maniacs or flat out insane.   They are members of the Climate Congregation.  And most all of them believe in Manginas. 

Worse, they vote (usually over and over) and are on the Boards of WHO and major US Corporations.   

Yes, these maniacs do want to run – and ruin – your finances and your life.

Maybe that’s exactly what our Healthocracy wants – more sick pawns relying on a Statist Government.   Not to mention many more dead people dying from hypothermia. 

Yet, here we are.

God help us.

And, forgive us.

Sic Semper Tyrannis


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